The Write Stuff
Who by now has not read or at least heard of the international best-selling book Eats, Shoots & Leaves? In her guide, Lynn Truss essentially vents her frustrations with improperly used punctuation and grammar. With battle cries such as "Sticklers Unite!" Truss tracks down the scoundrels who murder the English language and then leads the quest to preserve punctuation proficiency. I knew after reading Eats, Shoots & Leaves that I had found a kindred spirit. I, too, cringe each time I read abominations such as "The dog left it's bone on the floor."
Like it or not, people judge us by how we speak and write. If we write well, we are considered intelligent and worthy. If, however, we don't write "good," then, well, you know what people think. Growing up in a small town in rural Kentucky, I've heard (and even used) my share of "ain'ts" and seen more than one wayward apostrophe. Don't get me wrong; I love a southern accent. I just don't love a southern accent when it's slaughtering the rules of grammar.
Trust me when I say that I am as guilty as anyone of making errors in my writing. Even the experts disagree on what is correct usage, and I am by no means an expert. I am merely a novice with a passion for punctuation and many pet peeves that make me wince. So, these postings will be my attempt to deal with my own demons and hopefully in the process share some helpful tips with others who, like me, want to polish their skills and laugh at themselves and others who break out in a sweat when they have to decide whether to "alter" or "altar" their word choices.
Upcoming Posts
Each post will examine a commonly misused (and abused) point of punctuation, grammar, or spelling. We'll look at what the experts say, scout around for good resources, and then add our own thoughts. I'll also mix in quizzes and other exercises to help put into practice our polished skills. So, if you memorized every word of Schoolhouse Rock's "Conjunction, Junction, What's your Function?" then this blog's for you!
Like it or not, people judge us by how we speak and write. If we write well, we are considered intelligent and worthy. If, however, we don't write "good," then, well, you know what people think. Growing up in a small town in rural Kentucky, I've heard (and even used) my share of "ain'ts" and seen more than one wayward apostrophe. Don't get me wrong; I love a southern accent. I just don't love a southern accent when it's slaughtering the rules of grammar.
Trust me when I say that I am as guilty as anyone of making errors in my writing. Even the experts disagree on what is correct usage, and I am by no means an expert. I am merely a novice with a passion for punctuation and many pet peeves that make me wince. So, these postings will be my attempt to deal with my own demons and hopefully in the process share some helpful tips with others who, like me, want to polish their skills and laugh at themselves and others who break out in a sweat when they have to decide whether to "alter" or "altar" their word choices.
Upcoming Posts
Each post will examine a commonly misused (and abused) point of punctuation, grammar, or spelling. We'll look at what the experts say, scout around for good resources, and then add our own thoughts. I'll also mix in quizzes and other exercises to help put into practice our polished skills. So, if you memorized every word of Schoolhouse Rock's "Conjunction, Junction, What's your Function?" then this blog's for you!
I applaud your efforts! I actually have a copy of Eats, Shoots & Leaves. It's a wonderful resource. I love reading about writing, grammar and punctuation. I look forward to your future posts.
CTD, at 5:23 PM
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